Dynamic Mode Decomposition
DMD Theory
Introduction to DMD (CH 1)
Koopman Theory (CH 3)
Nonlinear Observables (CH 10)
multi-resolution DMD (CH 5)
Advanced Theory
DMD with Control (CH 6)
Delay Coordinates & ERA (CH 7)
Noise and Power (CH 8)
Sparsity and DMD (CH 9)
Fluid Dynamics (CH 2)
Video Processing (CH 4)
Epidemiology (CH 11)
Neuroscience (CH 12)
Finance (CH 14)
Koopman Theory
Koopman observable subspaces and finite linear representations of nonlinear dynamical systems for control
This video highlights the recent innovation of Koopman analysis for representing nonlinear systems and control.
Part 1
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Part 2
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Part 3
S. L. Brunton, B. Brunton, J. L. Proctor and J. N. Kutz,
Koopman observable subspaces and finite linear representations of nonlinear dynamical systems for control
PLOS ONE (2016)
Koopman theory for partial differential equations
This video highlights the concepts of Koopman theory and how they can be used for partial differential equations.
J. N. Kutz, J. Proctor and S. L. Brunton,
Koopman theory for partial differential equations
, arxiv (2016).